Sunday, August 5, 2012

LaJay is HERE!!!!

LaJay ARRIVED!!! I came home from work and found her sitting on the table waiting on me!! I ran to the bathroom and through her on with no problem. If you read my recent post, you would know that I was bought LaJay as a protective style! LaJay is from the Vanessa Collection, and I bought color 1 (I dye my hair black every 3 months so 1 matches perfectly). A half wig, is a wig that is meant to go on half of your hair, leaving a piece of your hair in the front to blend with the wig. LaJay matches PERFECTLY!! I did a lot of research on LaJay on blogs and YouTube, and a lot of ladies were saying "It was a lot of hair". They did not lie at all!!! LaJay is the definition of Big Hair Don't Care, and I looooove me some BIG hair (hence the blog title!) So I was feeling her. BUT I wanted something that looked more natural, and was close to my hair length. So I decided to cut and shape her a little.

 (LaJay before the cut)

(I was feeling it!!)

So I mostly cut the bottom of the wig to my hair length, and left the top and middle alone to keep the volume!! After a few snip snip she was perfect! I'm so happy I bought this half wig! I will definitely be throwing her on to go to class, and late nights out with the girls (I hate coming back home and having to deal with my hair :(!!!) This wig will be saving me a lot of time, and most importantly protected my ends!!

 (After the cut! My hair blended in the front!)
 (My real hair length! I tried my best to cut her this length!)
 (She blends so well with my hair :)
 (This is just half of what I cut off!)

SN: give me another year and I plan on getting to LaJay length before the cut boo boo!! lol

Check out my review on my youtube channel as well!!

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