Sunday, December 9, 2012

Can I touch?!?!?

ok so I'm sure every natural has experience a wandering hand from a stranger in their fro!! Everyone reaction to this is also VERY different. Some don't mind when people touch their hair, and assume their just being curious. While others view this as very disrespectful ! and will quickly give the side eye to anyone who decided to come in contact with their fro -_-!!! Me personally, I don't mind if you ask first, and don't get crazy!! I hate when people just grab my fro to see if its "soft" without even asking me first. Like its not on my HEAD!! lol or when I do give them permission they started molesting my hair and scalp to make sure its real!

I was at work last week, and had my hair out in a big braid out .This lady comes to my register (of the darker complexion)  and is staring hard at my hair..she then ask if its mines..I say yes, and of course she wants to feel it and "check"..Yep she weave checked me! not only did she feel my hair, but she went down to the SCALP!! I was startled and surprised. She look at me with wide eyes and said "wow! that is yours"....-_- really!!! a light gentle stroke would have been sufficient but she had to get crazy smh

That wasn't the first time that happen to me!! I believe 75% of people genuinely believe my hair is wig! lol I don't let everyone touch my hair though..if you don't believe me OH WELL!! lol

But yea that's the only pet peeve I have about people touching my hair

How do you feel about people touching the fro??? Does it bother you or not so much?? Leave your comments below!!!

1 comment:

  1. I've found that the longer/bigger your hair is, the more attention and people wanting to touch and ask a bunch of questions you're gonna get. I've never liked strangers in my hair so I always try to say "no" as polite as I can w/o making them act like I just slapped them in the face.

    I've had plenty people just walk up w/o asking and just dig in my hair like I'm a dog or something which is why I don't really want anyone touching it b/c I don't want anyone messing it up or scatching my scalp.

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