Thursday, November 15, 2012

Afro Puffy Twist Regime!!

OK so like I promised I'm back to share my Afro Puffy Twist regime..its pretty simple and easy (definitely a well needed break from my hair regime smh)

  • I moisturize my hair at least 3 times a week.
  •  I first spritz my twist with water (only spray the water where your hair ends, to keep the twist from getting to frizzy too much) 
  • Then I rub my favorite moisturizer Qhemets Alma Olive Heavy Cream over my twist. Remember to only spread it over your hair..(no need to waste product on the extensions lol)
  • I then rub Castor oil down each twist to seal in the moisture, and BAM!! all done lol 
I usually split my twist into four section, and just do a section at a time...

Now as far as my scalp!!! My scalp always seems to get very aggravated when I wear braids, I'm not sure why..but to prevent this I must make sure it doesn't get dry..if it does ill snatch these twist down in 2 seconds!!! lol I apply Castor oil to my scalp about every other day (my scalp literally drinks this stuff!!) I haven't experienced an aggravated scalp yet!! :) 

as far as washing my twist......nah!! Ill pass!! I hate washing extension, they never seem to look the same, get extra heavy, and the whole process is just a pain..I doubt ill keep these in that long to even worry about washing, and with that being said I have a confession to make!!! 

Im thinking about taking these twist down this weekend..yep this Sunday will make 2 weeks I've had them, and I cant take it anymore I miss my hair!!!! :( but will see how the weekend goes...

The bun I can achieve with these twist are BOSS tho!!! :) 


  1. Hello my name is candice just wondering is this your hair? If so looks great if not still looks great what kinda hair is it and did u Diy??

    1. No its actually marley braiding can purchase it at any beauty salon..and lol I wish I could braid! my sister hooked me up :)
